
Libyan bodybuilder Elgargni wins 2019 Mr. Olympia gold medal

Libyans woke up Saturday to hear a magnificent news about Kamal Elgargni; the bodybuilder who won Men’s 212 Mr. Olympia 2019 in Las Vegas.

As a hero, Elgagni wins over competitors

Elgargni competed with tough bodybuilders – the Iranian Had I Juban, Kuwaiti Ahmad Ashkanani, Bahraini Sami Haddad, Kuwaiti Fahid Hazzazi and seven others from the US, Ukraine, Hungary, and Slovenia.

Mr. Olympia is a tough competition that needs a year-round training and nutrition program that allows bodybuilders like Elgargni to have a chance of winning.

Elgargni leaves a world-class print

Despite all attempts previously by Arab bodybuilders to win the gold medal of Mr. Olympia, their results remained shy compared to the number of participants. The Lebanese Samir Bannout was the only one to win the gold medal of Mr. Olympia in 1983 and since then no Arab athlete has made it to the top of the contest until Libya’s Elgargni won the 2019 gold medal.

Elgargni never gives up

Elgargni was born in 1973 and despite being 46 which makes it harder for his body to train as effective as the youngsters, he managed to excel and achieve his goal. He suffered an injury in the last season, yet he won the bronze medal, which was a great achievement in it’s own. However, he kept training and made it to the top to win the 2019 Mr. Olympia gold medal.

Libya’s love runs through Elgargni’s veins

Elgargni is distinguished by his humility and closeness to people. He appears frequently on videos to talk to his fans in Libya and wish them and the country a good future, saying he would be honored to gift Libya with the gold medal of Mr. Olympia 2019, which he did.

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