
Coronavirus outbreak sweeps through Libya

Libya has entered the fourth epidemiological phase as regards to the spread of Coronavirus, in what can be described as a record time at a steady pace due to those who neglected the prevention measures and those who did not believe in the existence of the epidemic, on the one hand, and the negligence of the authorities in implementing the procedures of the curfew and fines against those who do not adhere to the measures of social distancing, on the other hand.

The pandemic found its way to infiltrate Libya as did thieves and those who steal public budgets, and this is clearly reflected in the numbers of the National Center for Disease Control, which is the rate of new infection compared to the number of contacts.

The statistics of the National Center show a suspicious increase in the number of new daily cases of Coronavirus, that is, non-contacts, and these numbers sometimes jumped to be twice the number of contact cases, which opens many doors to question the background of this rise in the number of new infection, which many seem as a dormant volcano that may explode in any moment when the National Center decides to double the number of daily tests.

The multiplication of these numbers
increases the burdens and responsibilities of the National Center for Disease Control and the epidemiological investigation teams that race against time to contain the epidemic, and examine contacts for each new case.

While the Coronavirus numbers continue to rise in Libya, and with the total number of injuries exceeding the barrier of 6000, and the number of new infections at a significant rate, indicating a large outbreak of the pandemic, attention is directed towards the outcome of the daily tests, and the ability of the National Center to increase them, being the first responsible for determining the size of the outbreak in the country.

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