
Audit Bureau comments on government spending of over 9 billions in 72 hours

Libyan Audit Bureau confirmed the authenticity of the internal memorandum presented to the Chief of the Bureau, Khaled Shakshak, by the competent technical department, on the observations made by the Bureau and the actions it took regarding development projects and the amounts of money paid for them, stating that it comes within the series of internal correspondence related to follow up government spending.

The Bureau issued a statement two days after the “Al-Bilad” program, which was broadcast on the “218News”, reported on the record spending of the unity government in violation of the financial law.

The Bureau reported referring a letter to the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance requesting a circular to all financial services and urged him to refrain from granting approval or being associated with any expenditure not related to development projects, emphasizing the response of the Ministry of Finance by circulating orders to all government sectors to which funds were received.

The Audit Bureau, the supreme body for financial oversight, confirmed that Shakshak had referred a letter to the Minister of Finance to cancel 66 instruments, for the allocations of some parties, with a total amount of more than 850 million dinars.

It indicated in the statement that two separate meetings were held on September 9 and October 17. The first was devoted to discussing the content of the memorandum and the importance of having exchange controls for the amounts transferred to the sectors, while the second meeting discussed the necessary controls to prevent any misappropriation of funds, indicating that the disposal of funds has not yet taken place, and is linked to legal procedures imposed by the financial legislation in force, saying it is considered a subject of prior and subsequent follow-up by the Bureau in accordance with the requirements of its establishment law.

At the conclusion of its statement, the Bureau warned of the dangers of the increasing infringing use of funds in light of the fragility of the financial system and the weakness of information systems, calling for all institutional and societal efforts to unite to prevent any breach or abuse, praising at the same time the role of the media and civil work institutions in exercising societal pressure.

Al-Bilad program published last Wednesday details of issuing exchange orders with a financial value of over 9.6 billion dinars, within a record time not exceeding three days, distributed over 215 exchange orders, which were approved in violation of the laws and legislation governing the management of transformation and exchange funds.

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