
Tuareg Social Council: Most of us have no Libyan identification papers

Italian journalist Vanessa Tomassini interviewed the Head of the Social Council of Tuareg, Mowlai Gadidi, who talked about the relations with Tubu tribespeople as good since the end of Ubari war, adding that conditions in the south of Libya are fine in some areas and unstable I’m others, saying there are no serious solutions by relevant authorities.

Gadidi said Murzuq in southern Libya is going through rough conditions and that its case is very difficult and badly impacts neighboring countries if the area isn’t managed well.

Speaking about the incident of three Tuareg men who died trying to cross the sea to Europe, Gadidi said immigration via the Mediterranean is new to the Libyan society has surfaced with the current bad living conditions pushing youths to the sea for immigration seeking better lives.

He added that there are many Tuareg people without Libyan identification papers and national ID numbers and this has been ongoing for decades, saying this makes it very difficult for those who want to travel for study or medical treatment, let alone participation in political life and voting in elections.

Gadidi told Specialelibia that such people are suffering everyday despite the fact that their papers are ready at the Tripoli Civil Registry Authority, which is protracting the procedures.

He added that the international community should assume its responsibility after its intervention in Libya in 2011, saying that the wellbeing and security of Libya means security in Italy and stability in the region.

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