
Arab League condemns Turkish intervention in region states, including Libya

The Arab Ministerial Committee concerned with following up on Turkish interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries condemned what it described as the repeated Turkish violations of Security Council resolutions imposing an arms embargo on Libya.

This came during the fourth meeting of the committee at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, on the sidelines of the meetings of the Council of the League of Arab States at the ministerial level in its regular session No. 157 on Wednesday, where the meeting discussed Turkish interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries.

The committee stressed the illegality of the presence of Turkish forces in Libya, Iraq and Syria, stressing the need for Ankara to withdraw its forces immediately and unconditionally.

The Committee called on Turkey to cooperate in this regard in order to take the necessary measures that would counter the operations of sponsoring, recruiting, training and transferring foreign terrorist fighters and mercenaries within the borders of Arab countries.

The committee denounced any prejudice to the demographic structure by Turkey and the continuous violations of the sovereignty of some Arab countries, calling for respecting water territory rights in both Syria and Iraq and stopping the construction of dams at the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

It is worth noting that the committee includes Egypt, the UAE, Bahrain, in addition to Saudi Arabia.

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